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Grief Circles

Grief never ends...But it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith...
It is the price of love.


Growth in Sorrow

Our Grief Circles are peer-led and interactive. They are designed to be driven by someone just like you, someone who is experiencing grief themselves in one way or another.  These are spaces in which participants can share, listen, and interact if they so choose.

  • Small Groups - Due to Covid, we will limit the size of our Grief Circles in person.  We will follow safety precautions for masking and distancing but will meet in small rooms together.

  • Online - For those of you unable to get to one of our locations or not comfortable meeting in person, we offer our grief circles online as well through zoom platforms.

  • More information is coming soon on dates and locations for our groups! 

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